Famous migrants



Albert Einstein (1ère)

Albert Einstein , who was born in Ulm on March 14th 1879 an died in Princeton on April 18th 1955, was certainly the greatest and most famous scientist of the century. That's the reason why we decided to study him. Indeed, we think his discoveries have made the world change. For instance, thanks to him, we've discovered how to create energy from atoms. That's why wealthy countries are able to produce enough electricity. His theory about radioactivity is also still use nowadays. All the discoveries are made thanks to his theories...

David, JF, 1ère S, 2001-2002

Albert Einstein (2nde)

Wir wollen Albert Einstein vorstellen, weil er wahrscheinlich der berühmteste Physiker der Welt war. Er hatte ein interessantes Leben und er ist viermal ausgewandert deshalb ist er sicher eine interessante Person für unser Jahresthema "Wanderungen in Europa"...

Louis P. et Clément D. Classe de Seconde, 2001-2002

Max Ophüls

Sicher müsste jedermann Max Ophüls kennen : "einen der berühmteste Filmregisseure". Aber wussten Sie, dass er gebürtiger Deutscher war? Nein? Nun doch ! Er ist vor den Nazis im Jahre 1933 geflohen , weil er der Sohn eines jüdischen Handelsmanns war , und er hat sich in Paris in Frankreich abgesetzt . Er nahm die französische Nationalität 1938.
Ich finde, dass diese Judenfeindlichkeit , die sich entwickelt hatte , als Hitler die Regierung übernommen hatte , empörend war...

Guillaume E., Dorothée C. et Léonard d. P. Classe de Seconde, 2001-2002


Our subject is to write an article about a famous migrant, who had migrated from an European country to another. We thought to the so famous Pablo PICASSO, which had migrated, from Malaga, in Spain to Paris in France. Pablo PICASSO was also a quite recent painter. He lived during the XX century and became famous because of his new idea of art. A lots of his paintings are well known because of their strange forms. As a consequence the price are very high so most of his paintings are today in museum. We find that this person is very interesting to choose because, we always try to become newer and newer. And he had made a lot of travels around the world...

Alexandre, Vincent, Arnaud , Seconde C , 2001-2002

Salmon Rushdie

The world famous writer Salman Rushdie is once again in the mire of the media with his last book Fury, which describes New York City in ruins. He must have had a premonition because a few days after its publication, television showed an image of New York, after a terrorist attack, exactly like the apocalyptic vision of the city in Rushdie' s vision. But it is not the first time Salman Rushdie creates a controversy with one of his book...

Claire, Célia, Vanessa, 1ère S, 2001-2002

Charlie Chaplin

First, we have chosen Charlie Chaplin because it was the best-known actor even in silent films and he was famous all around the world. His genius laid ability not only to make films but also to perform in them. He made very particular films and one of the first films we have studied at school is Modern Time. He played his own personality and due to this, he revolutionized the cinema! He represented the beginning of the cinema and he succeeds to make people laugh. Charlie Chaplin has still kept the wonderful image of "The Tramp", the emblem of the first black and white films...

Caroline, 1ère S, 2001-2002

Madeleine Albright

Madeleine Korbel Albright was nominated by President Clinton on December 5,1996 as Secretary of State. After being unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate, she was sworn in as the 64th Secretary of State on January 23, 1997. This appointment made Madeleine Albright the first female to hold the position of Secretary of State. This designation also algovernment.lows her to obtain the title of highest-ranking female within the United States...

Angélique - Laurène - Elodie, 1ère S, 2001-2002

Anne Franck

Wir haben gewählt, über Anne Franck zu sprechen, weil unser Jahresthema WANDERUNG ist und Anne Franck eine junge Auswanderin war und, weil sie ein Tagebuch schrieb um ihr ganze Wanderung zu erzählen.Anne war am 12.06.1929 in Frankfurt am Rhein geboren. Annes Eltern hießen Otto und Edith...

Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges was a famous Argentinean writer , who was known by his genius in writing poetry. Borges is one of the best writers in the world. His works are inspired by his meetings, his journeys in Europe, but also by his Argentineans origins...

Matthieu, 1ère S, 2001-2002

Marlène Dietrich

Marie Magdelene Dietrich ist am 27. Dezember 1901 geboren. 1920 beginnt sie ihre Karriere in einer Schenke. Sternberg hat sie gesehen und sie spilet in "Der Baue Engel", der einen ungeheuren Erfolg hat.
Marlene Dietrich wird eine sehr bekannte Spielerin. Inzwischen wird Hitler auch sehr beliebt. Er denkt, wenn er Marlene an seiner Seite geklangt hat, werden alle Leute ihn lieben. Es wird ein sehr gute Propaganda, aber die Schauspielerin ist mit dieser Idee nicht einverstanden. Sie verträgt die Nazis nicht, sie denkt, dass sie unmenschlich sind...

Agnès C. et Victoria B. Classe de Seconde, 2001-2002


From the desert to the catwalks

Desert flower… it's a poetic name comes from the far away Somalia. A young girl got it in the mid-1960's. She inherited a "fabulous destiny" too.